The Midwest Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry workshop: 2nd Bluegrass Algebra Conferencewill take place March 6-8, 2009 at the University of Kentucky Lexington. UIC Number Theory/Arithmetic Geometry Seminar UIC Graduate Student Algebraic Geometry Seminar I served as the graduate proctor for the precalculus lab.Practical information for our seminar speakers: I based Hank's program on Fulton's Algebraic Curves. I advised Hank Morris in algebraic geometry. I participated in the math department's Directed Reading Program ( DRP ) as a graduate mentor. complete schedule Algebraic Geometry Seminar Takumi Murayama Princeton University Vanishing theorems in equal characteristic zero Abstract: In 1953, Kodaira proved what is now called the Kodaira vanishing theorem, which states that if L is an ample divisor on a complex projective manifold X, then Hi (X,-L) 0 for all i < dim (X). I served as one of the math department's representatives for the Division of Academic Enhancement ( DAE ), tutoring undergraduates in early college math courses. I passed my second qualifying exam (complex analysis, 2/4). The original paper (in French) can be found here. Here is a loose translation of the relevant parts, as well as the lecture notes. The talk was based on a paper of Deligne. I gave a lecture in the Hodge theory VRG on the finitude of the variation of Hodge structure. I attended the Georgia algebraic geometry symposium ( GAGS ) at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The lecture focused on singular abelian and K3 surfaces and was based primarily on the results of Shioda and Inose. I gave a talk in the K3 surfaces topics course.
I helped Kellie Sappington create a video series for a precalculus midterm through the DAE. Infinite loop spaces in algebraic geometry. I gave a lecture in the "Rational Points" reading group on the classification of surfaces and Kodaira dimension. UIC Algebraic K-Theory Seminar When: 3pm on Wednesdays unless otherwise noted. Copy link Geometry/Topology Seminar: TBA, by Jacob Russell Statistics and Data Science Seminar: Tail Portfolio, by Lingjie Ma. I lead a review session for the third precalculus midterm with Kellie Sappington, supported by the DAE. I graded for Math 3100 (Sequences and Series) this semester, along with study hall. I participated in the DRP again as Xinyu Shi's graduate mentor. Hodge Theory and Classical Algebraic Geometry, OSU, Columbus, OH (Spring 2013) Graduate Workshop on Moduli Spaces and Bridgeland Stability, UIC, Chicago, IL (. I passed my third (real analysis, 3/4) and final (topology (MP), 4/4) qualifying exams! I attended the Western Algebraic Geometry Symposium ( WAGS ) at the University of Oregon. I volunteered at the annual high school math tournament. I gave a talk on Serre GAGA in the graduate student seminar. I gave a talk on complex surfaces in the graduate topology seminar. I focused on the "big" problem of birational classes. I gave a talk on "Algebraic Geometry for Non-Algebraic Geometers" in SMARTS. I attended a graduate workshop on D-Modules and Hodge theory at UIC. Note that on October 4, Mircea Mustata (U Michigan) will give the Departmental Colloquium. I attended a graduate workshop on moduli spaces and Bridgeland stability at UIC. The UIC Algebraic Geometry Seminar Fall 2007: Thursdays 4:00-6:00 The UIC Algebraic Geometry Seminar will take place at 4:00 pm in SEO 636. I am focusing on algebraic geometry (schemes, cohomology) and K3 surfaces. I am funded this semester through the math department's RTG grant. I organized the Graduate Algebraic Geometry Seminar this semester. I attended a conference on complex algebraic geometry at UCSD. I gave an introductory talk on intersection theory over algebraic surfaces in the graduate AG seminar. I attended a conference on birational geometry and Hodge theory, as part of the CIRM's thematic month on complex geometry in Marseille, France. I was invited to attend the MSRI's conference on derived algebraic geometry and its applications. I visited the ETH Zurich math department. I attended a conference on Moduli in Budapest at the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics.

Here is my best recollection of the exam. I passed(!) my oral exam and was admitted to candidacy.

I will be attending MSRI's conference on recent progress in moduli theory. I will be attending the 2019 Felix Klein Lectures on o-Minimal geometry and Hodge theory given by Ben Bakker at the Hausdorff Institute of Mathematics.